Wednesday, February 24, 2010

January 29-31, 2010: LadyDiva Conference produced by Shayna Rudd, Miss Black USA 2009!

"The mission of the LadyDiva Corp is to Cultivate, encourage and Empower young women from low- income areas to relentlessly pursue their God-given purpose in oeder the break the cycles of negativity that surrounds them". This goal was exemplified in every aspect of this seminar series! On each of the three days the young ladies and mentors were ministered to by women from all walks of life, each with a powerful testimony of strength and courage. It was imperative that the young ladies felt "safe and comfortable" in this female only environment and no topic was deemed as off-limits. We discussed self-esteem, education, abuse and sisterhood during this incredible GIRL-POWERED event. One of the most poignant parts of the series was the one time in which males were permitted to particpate. It was an all-male panel ranging in ages from 15-70s, that volunteered to give a "man's perspective" in answering questions from the young ladies, many of whom did not have postive male figures in their lives. The end of the second day culminated in the "Pearl Ceremony" during which time mentors placed a string of pearls around each young woman's neck and reminded her to not "cast her pearls among swine" (Matt 7:6) as she continues through her life's journey. At the following Sunday service, the new, transformed young women were presented to the church congregation in a moving display of unity.

This seminar was established to help grow girls into young women of God, but I can comfortably speak for everyone when I say that ALL of our lives were changed and we ALL left stronger women of God!

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