Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 8, 2010: Black History Month Celebration

"Remembering our Legacy and Celebrating Humanity: Stepping Outside of the Box to make a Change" I had the pleasure of being a part of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Black History Month Opening Ceremony! During the program we were greeted by PCOM CEO and President, Matthew Shure, PhD.,(pictured) and representatives from the Office of Student Affairs and the Student National Medical Association (pictured). One SNMA member, David Pierre shared the personal account of his family in Haiti during the devastating earthquake and its aftermath. It was a moving tribute to the strength and courage of our Haitian brothers and sisters, that exemplified the need for continued Haitian support. My keynote address focused on the importance of observing the contributions of African Americans in American and world history. When the foundations were set in 1926 by Dr. Carter Woodson, for what we now recognize as Black History Month, it was out of frustration about the incomplete recounts of Africans in American History. Woodson believe that "We should emphasize not Negro History, but the Negro in history." To rephrase it, rather than focusing on a few men significant in the advancement of African Americans we should focus onthe countless Black men and women who had contributed to the advancement of human civilization. Contrary to what is still all too often taught, African history in America did not begin with slavery! Let's accept the charge to educate ourselves and someone else on what it TRULY means to celebrate cultural diversity!
In His service....

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